Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wash Cold Taglines

We did a lot of taglines on Sunday, here are all the good ones and bad ones. It would be best if we choose our top three and explain why they work best for our campaign.

P.S. If you have thought of more feel free to add them to your comment and I will include them in our list.

  1. It's hot to go cool
  2. Wash it like its hot
  3. It's hot
  4. Cold is clean
  5. It's cool
  6. Colder the safer
  7. Colder the Brighter
  8. Maintains your clothes
  9. Because your clothes matter
  10. Cold is caring
  11. Cold is hot
  12. Wash it. Wear it. Love it
  13. Cold Water. Happy Clothes
  14. Preserve your clothes with cold
  15. Give your clothes the cold shoulder
  16. Love what you wear
  17. Make it last
  18. Your favorite clothes fall in love with cold water
  19. Wear/Where
  20. Love what you wear, Love where you live
  21. Conserve using cold
  22. Care for what you wear
  23. Care for your clothes Care for the globe
  24. Colth care conserve
  25. Clothe the planet
  26. Warm feelings without the heat
  27. Cold care
  28. Long lasting
  29. Caring for clothes
  30. Happy clothes happy globe
  31. Clean clothes happy home
  32. Cold water for hot clothes
  33. Happy clothes healthy globe
Hope to hear from everyone soon.


  1. 4, 9, 12, 13, 16, 32.

    and playing with 27 i kind of wanna say "Cold Cares" or something that implies cold is better for your clothes.


  2. Sung
    I like:
    12, 13, 20, 23, 32


Please start each comment with your name.